Many recognize a world in crisis requires fundamental change, that the old paradigms of the human being as sinner, consumer or mere biology supports a matrix of fear and ignorance manipulating the 99.99% and poisoning life itself.
Many change makers feel isolated or hopeless, lacking tribe who see the big picture, share a vision of a more beautiful world and are clear on how it will manifest.
At once more and more people are directly experiencing what many others intuit and what great scientists and the scientific evidence has long pointed to – that we are immaterial beings, living in an immaterial world. Humanity is awakening from the dream of separation, recognizing the unity of all beings and all things, as consciousness.
Realizing all is consciousness all problems are recognized as problems of consciousness. The old paradigms – mistaken ideas of who we are and what this world is – is at root of all crises.
As a community of awakening beings we reconnect millions with love, wisdom, personal power and shared purpose.
With your help we will recruit, empower and enable an army of New Earth Ninjas to find their inner Ghandi, being and doing the change, contributing to the dissolution of the matrix and creating a world that works for all.
Join us – we invite you to boost your wellbeing with the 7 Happiness Hacks, register your interest for Online Gatherings and trainings, help us distribute over 1 million Love Letters and Wake Up Calls, stay inspired with the Daily LovingTruth, be a New Earth Ninja and utilize the 12 Ways to Change the World, organize in your community.
We are the ones we have been waiting for – are you?
Meet Some of the Team
The creation of Love & Truth Party has already involved thousands of people in over a dozen countries.
Meet a few key players and core members of our Wisdom Council:

Will Pye
Will Pye is the Founder of Love & Truth Party and a Speaker, Transformational Coach, Entrepreneur, Leader of Retreats and Workshops and Author of Blessed With A Brain Tumor; Realizing It’s All Gift and Learning to Receive* (Love & Truth Press, 2014) and The Gratitude Prescription: Harnessing the Power of Thankfulness for Healing and Happiness (New Harbinger, 2019).
The idea for Love & Truth Party came to Will following an awakening on a Zen meditation retreat. He wondered ‘How could you facilitate this at scale?’ Love & Truth Party is one answer. * Blessed With A Brain Tumor is a life-changing 5 star rated book on Amazon and you can download it for free here –https://loveandtruthparty.org/resources/ and pay what you feel. All funds go to supporting Love & Truth Party’s mission awakening human consciousness.

Joe Hudson

Chyanne West
Chyanne West is the Love & Truth Party COO of Fun. She has an extensive background in skipping, bubble blowing and full belly laughter. When she is not hosting Goddess Workshops or conducting Sacred Unicorn Ceremonies of Healing and Light, she is making handmade gifts to remind people how freaking beautiful they are!

Mary Beth
I have been involved with the Holistic Health & Medicine movement as nurse for over 30 years and have a fellowship in Integrative Medicine. I have enjoyed initiating programs in many health care venues and have integrated modalities such as Healing Touch and HeartMath® into my healing arts practice, Holistic Health Resources, LLC.
“I AM” now focusing on integrating Spirit into my earthly, cellular body so I can do the work needed “here and now” for my beautiful brothers, sisters, fauna, flora, all living creatures on our Mother Earth. My passion lies in tending to the unfolding of my own soul purpose while being a cheer leader for others as they discover their own Holy, Magnificent “I AM” Presence and soul purpose. I thrive on a contemplative, prayerful life while nurturing and expressing my JUBULANT self with music, singing, writing, dancing, skipping and being silly and childlike. I love my roles as wife, mother, sister, friend, mentor, minister and the “juiciness” of living on our planet at this time.’