Welcome to the Love & Truth Party

Love & Truth Party is a community empowering New Earth Ninjas to thrive and be the change. We connect people with love, their true nature and illumine the matrix of fear and ignorance supporting the liberation of humanity. Celebrating Life and the human spirit we inspire embodiment of higher consciousness, exploring a new human story. Welcome to a hub of Transformation, Inspiration and Revolution!


THE 7 HAPPINESS HACKS - We are on a mission to share the basics of happiness. 7 Questions, 7 minutes, to change your life, boost your wellbeing and pass it on!


JOY OF GIVING - Experience and research confirms – in giving we receive. We select extraordinary, high-integrity good causes and offer you the opportunity to feel good giving, in just a few clicks!


THE LOVE LETTERS AND WAKE UP CALLS - Our goal is to connect people with love by sharing a million love letters by 2020. Wake Up Calls point people to their true nature and aspects of the matrix of fear and ignorance from which humanity is awakening.


THE CONSCIOUSNESS MANIFESTO - More and more are awakening to their true nature, realizing infinite and eternal being. Such awakening and its embodiment and integration supports a more functional human community.


THE 12 WAYS TO CHANGE THE WORLD -The way of the New Earth Ninja. A New Earth Ninja is a revolutionary change agent, embodying higher consciousness and living the new human story.


LOVE & TRUTH PARTY ONLINE -A team of teachers, music, poetry, WOW science fact, globally synchronized meditation, embodiment practices and more. A unique celebratory experience designed to uplift, inspire and awaken.


LOVEMAIL - Short and sweet hit of inspiration – wise words on awakening, empowerment and wellbeing to your inbox

Free Resources

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Free Resources

For personal and collective healing, transformation, empowerment, inspiration and awakening. All freely offered. As ever we only ask you pay it forward and spread the love.


Pay What You Feel Life-Changing Book

Blessed With a Brain Tumor; Realizing It’s All Gift and Learning to Receive (by Love & Truth Party Founder, Will Pye)
A Guide to Happiness, Wellbeing, the Nature of Reality and Freedom from Suffering
Download for free, read and if you find value, and can afford make a gift to Love & Truth Party

Subscribe to receive your free copy

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Meditation Recordings

“Heart” – Discovering the best answer deep inside yourself (22.50)

Designed to enable you to get some good answers and guidance from the wisest part of yourself. At times we need to let go of our fears and think differently about how we are doing things. This program is designed to get you to come up with really effective solutions for every kind of situation.

Generously gifted by world-renowned author and hypnotherapist Tom Fortes Mayer


“Alignment” – Coming into the moment and being your best (30.00)

This recording is very uplifting and empowering with a stunning soundtrack that takes you very deeply into relaxation and then brings you out the other side into full glorious musical sunshine! This is all about the power of Alignment and truly being your best. This is not about adding something to you or making you into something better. This is simply about you truly coming into the moment and finding yourself deeply connected to your greatest potential already.

Generously gifted by world-renowned author and hypnotherapist Tom Fortes Mayer

Love & Truth Party Online

• New Earth Ninja Training with Global Synchronized Meditation

Teaching Love, Truth and Happiness. An inspirational interactive webinar with profound yet practical guidance for day to day living.
Pay What You Feel – register for free, join the gathering and then on completion choose how to give back, whether making a one-off or regular financial gift and/or sharing Love Letters in your community and/or sharing LTP on Social Media.

Love & Truth Party Community Members in Your Area

Healers, Coaches, Spiritual Teachers, Facilitators, Love & Truth Party Founding Partners in your part of the world.
Content to Come

Awakening Organizations


Avaaz – global group campaigning for progressive issues – (www.avaaz.org.)


WeAreOne – drink and drug-free conscious rave in London. (www.weareoneparty.com.)
ConsciousCafe – country-wide gatherings for meaningful conversation ‘raising global consciousness, one conversation at a time.’ (www.consciouscafe.org)


Science and Nonduality, SAND – California based global community exploring the integration of science and spirituality (www.scienceandnonduality.com)
Bioneers – California based community and conference; ‘a fertile hub of social and scientific innovators with practical and visionary solutions for the world’s most pressing environmental and social challenges.’ (www.bioneers.org.)
Wellbeing Retreat Center – Tennessee based retreat center offering a wide variety of healing and awakening events (www.welbeingretreatcenter.org)


Get Up! – progressive activist organization – (www.getup.org.au)

Educate Yourself


When any real progress is made, we unlearn and learn anew what we thought we already knew.

– Henry David Thoreau


The chief object of education is not to learn things but to unlearn things.

– G.K. Chesterton

For many education really begins once free from the confines, false assumptions and dogma of school and academia. Part of our mission at Love & Truth Party is to educate and facilitate awakening in every form.

Below is a reading list for New Earth Ninjas in support of personal and collective awakening.


Awakening Truth

Take Me To Truth; Undoing the Ego – Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Viera
Shift into Freedom; The Science and Practice of Open Hearted Awareness – Loch Kelly
The Presence Process; A Journey into Presence Moment Awareness – Michael Brown
Rationalist Spirituality; An Exploration of the Meaning of Life and Existence Informed by Logic and Science – Bernardo Kastrup
One Mind: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters – Larry Dossey

Awakening Science

The Science Delusion; Freeing the Spirit of Enquiry – Rupert Sheldrake
Why Science is Wrong… About Almost Everything – Alex Tsakiris
Why Materialism Is Baloney: How True Skeptics Know There Is No Death and Fathom Answers to life, the Universe, and Everything – Bernardo Kastrup

Awakening Money

Sacred Economics; Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition – Charles Eisenstein

Awakening Business

Reinventing Organizations – Frederic Laloux

Awakening Healthcare

Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof You Can Heal Yourself – Lissa Rankin, M.D.
Radical Remissions: Surviving Cancer against All Odds – Kelly Turner, PhD
Bad Pharma: How Drug Companies Mislead Doctors and Harm Patients – Ben Goldacre

Awakening Presence

The Presence Process: A Journey Into Present Moment Awareness – Michael Brown

Awakening Imagination

How Soon is Now: From Personal Initiation to Global Transformation – Daniel Pinchbeck
The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible – Charles Eisenstein
UBUNTU Contributionism – A Blueprint for Human Prosperity: Exposing the global banking fraud – Michael Tellinger
The Great Disruption: Why the Climate Crisis Will Bring On the End of Shopping and the Birth of a New World – Paul Gilding

Awakening Potential

Create A World That Works: Tools for Personal and Global Transformation – Alan Seale

Awakening Sacred Activism

The Hope; A Guide to Sacred Activism – Andrew Harvey
Civil Disobedience (essay) – Henry David Thoreau
Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Social Movement in History Is Restoring Grace, Justice, and Beauty to the World – Paul Hawken

Awakening Politics

The Best Democracy Money Can Buy – Greg Palast

Awakening Death

Consciousness Beyond Life; The Science of Near-Death Experience – Pim Van Lommel